Florida Dance Performance Assessment

Howard Blake High School
Tampa, Florida
February TBA, 2019

The Florida Dance Performance Assessment (FDPA) was created to align the dance arts with the other arts organizations in the state of Florida. The evaluation process presents dance educators with a summative form of assessment that is aligned with the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. The results from the assessment will provide curriculum specialists, area superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, and students with quantitative and qualitative data that can be referenced to improve student performance. Students will be evaluated in three categories: technical proficiency, movement acquisition, and ensemble performance. The assessment process will involve on demand and previously prepared choreography to be assessed by highly qualified adjudicators. Following the performance and a review of the written evaluation, adjudicators, students, and teachers from each school will engage in a reflective discussion to address areas of mastery, as well as areas that are in need of improvement. Participation will provide teachers with collegial support and a variety of instructional strategies to increase learning outcomes. Secondary students from public, private, charter schools, and private studio programs in Florida and Georgia are encouraged to attend.

FDPA is held in conjunction with the Florida Dance Education Organization’s initiative titled Beyond the Test: Mentoring for Artistic Engagement. The event will take place February TBA. 2019 and will be hosted by Howard Blake High School. The Beyond the Test Participant Intent Form is due Oct. ?? and the Beyond the Test Registration Form with names and numbers of participants is due by November ??, 2018.

Please visit the ‘Beyond the Test: Mentoring for Artistic Engagement’ Web Page for a complete description of the program including information regarding the honors concert, mock college auditions, master classes and the complete packet of registration forms.

How Can I Prepare My Students for FDPA?

All Florida Dance Performance Assessment materials and choreography will be presented to FDEO 2016 conference attendees both live and in digital formats. Conference participants will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with one another to manipulate the material so that it best fits the course and skill level of their individual student populations. Teachers planning to participate in Beyond the Test: Mentoring for Artistic Engagement, but not the conference, will receive assessment sequences in digital formats only.




Technical Proficiency

  • Schools will be adjudicated on their performance of a preset phrase demonstrating their technical proficiency and skill sets. The DVD will be sent out following the January deadline.

Movement Acquisition

  • Schools will be adjudicated on their performance of phrases that will be taught on-site. A ballet and a modern phrase will both be taught.

Ensemble Performance

  • Schools will be adjudicated on their performance of original choreography of either ballet, modern, jazz, or ethnic dance. This performance will not include costumes, props, or special lighting. This is an assessment based strictly on performance. Time Limit per piece: Min of 3 minutes/ Max of 7 minutes

For additional information please contact Albena Arnaudova at: beyondthetestfdeo@gmail.com